Health & Social care
Look at our various Health and Social Care courses
First aid at work
level 3
Course aims
Learning outcomes
This 3 day course covers essential skills required to effectively deal with various first aid emergencies. Delegates will be awarded a certificate that enables them to become a designated workplace first aider in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
How to manage incidents calmly and safely
The examination of a casualty and further actions and treatments
Treatment of unconsciousness, shock, bleeding, fractures, burns and scalds
Knowledge of basic life support
Recording and reporting injuries
Emergency First aid at work Level 3
Course aims
Ideal for all employees whether they are the nominated first aider. This accredited course ensures an improved understanding of first aid. Continuous assessment is carried out by the trainer and certification allows practice for three years until re-qualification.
Learning outcomes
Introduction and explanation:
First aid health and safety regulations
Learn about the priorities of first aid and how to manage an incident safely
Treatments of unconsciousness, shock, bleeding and common workplace injuries
Combination of practical and theory sessions
Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid
Course aims
Learning outcomes
This qualification enhances knowledge, understanding, and skills in delivering first aid in early years settings. It is excellent choice for individuals looking to enter the workforce or those already employed who wish to advance their careers Furthermore, this qualification assists employers in meeting their regulatory requirements. This qualification takes place over 2 days.
Understand the role and responsibilities of the paediatric first aider
Ability to assess an emergency situation safely
Ability to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is unresponsive and breathing normally
Be able to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is choking
Be able to provide first aid to an infant and a child with external bleeding
Will know how to provide first aid to an infant or a child who is suffering from shock
Be able to provide first aid to an infant or a child with bites, stings and minor injuries
Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid
Course aims
This qualification develops the learner’s knowledge, understanding and skills in delivering emergency first aid in an
early years setting. The qualification is ideal for those seeking employment or those already in employment who are
looking to progress. The qualification support employers to meet their regulatory requirements. This qualification takes place over 1 day.
Learning outcomes
Understand the role and responsibilities of the paediatric first aider
Ability to assess an emergency situation safely
Ability to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is unresponsive and breathing normally
Be able to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is choking
Be able to provide first aid to an infant and a child with external bleeding
Will know how to provide first aid to an infant or a child who is suffering from shock
Be able to provide first aid to an infant or a child with bites, stings and minor injuries
Level 3 Award
in Responding to Anaphylactic Reactions
Course aims
This qualification develops the learner’s knowledge, understanding and skills in delivering emergency first aid in an
early years setting. The qualification is ideal for those seeking employment or those already in employment who are
looking to progress. The qualification support employers to meet their regulatory requirements. This qualification takes place over 1 day.
Be able to asses an incident
Be able to provide first aid to an unresponsive casualty that is not breathing normally
Be able to provide first aid to an unresponsive casualty that is breathing normally
Have ability to recognise and manage a casualty suffering with a severe allergic reaction.
Other Health & Social courses
Safe Moving & Handling of People level 2
Course aims
This qualification is for those responsible for the moving and handling of individuals within the health and social care sector. It is designed to provide students with the essential knowledge and understanding of the safe process of moving people to prevent injury to themselves and the person being moved, whilst also covering the legal requirements regarding the handling of people. This qualification is available to those over 18 years. Candidates should be at least at level 2 numeracy and literacy or equivalent. Candidates should also be physically capable of demonstrating a range of moving and handling techniques.
Learning outcomes
Health and Safety at Work 1974
Moving and handling assessments
Basic principles of safer handling
Company handling policy
Unsafe moves and duty of care
Working with equipment
Moving and transferring & anatomy
Manual Handling Regulations 1999
Food safety Level 2 & 3
Course aims
The level 2 Qualification in Food Safety is a popular qualification. It is aimed at anyone involved in the preparation of food and is tailored to those working in a catering environment.
learning objective
• Understand how individuals can take personal responsibility for food safety
• Understand the importance of maintaining personal health and hygiene
• Know how the working areas are kept clean and hygienic
• Know how to keep food safe
Infection control level 2
Course aims
Attendees will understand the principles and practices of infection prevention and control. Delegates gain an understanding of the importance of why we need to have infection control measures implemented in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The meaning and importance of infection control
• Practising infection control and breaking the chain
• Universal precautions, infection and its causes
• How infection spreads and how to fight it
Safeguarding of vulnerable adults or children and young people level 2
Course aims
This course aims to raise delegates' awareness of the legal framework and their responsibilities in safeguarding adults, children, and young people and to help them prevent and learn from past events.
Learning outcomes
Establishing who are vulnerable adults
• The legal framework and reporting procedures
• Types and indicators of abuse • Disclosure process, consent and confidentiality
Safe administration of medicine level 2
Course aims
Medication administration is an essential area of user care. This equips staff to safely deliver medication and upholding client dignity, encouraging independence and respecting choices the service user makes.
Learning outcomes
The 7 rights of medication administration
• Classification & types of medication
• Maintaining records – MARs
• Storing & disposing of medication
Mental capacity act & DoLS
Learning objective
This one day course provides an awareness of the key aspects of the Mental Capacity Act and the principles of the Deprivation of Liberties Safeguard. It also includes a clear and concise definition of mental capacity and the key principles of the relevant legislation
Course aims
What is ‘Mental Capacity’
• Key principles of the MCA (2005)
• Assessment processes: MCA & DoLS
• Best Interests & ‘Least Restrictive’ options
• Key laws & applications for DoLS and review of cases
Course aims
develops the skills and knowledge to assess an incident, provide first aid to unresponsive casualties who are not breathing and breathing normally and recognise and manage a casualty with a severe allergic reaction.
Learning objective
• Background and historical context of Mental Illness
• Classification of Mental Illnesses (DSM – V)
• Overview of the Mental Health Act (1983)
• Identification of common mental disorders
• Management of four common disorders